About the Network

We aim to realign the incentives of producers and consumers in order to develop a more inclusive, open and regenerative form of production. This is achieved by openly sharing information about the needs of the users, and the processes of the producers. The consumer will be able to choose matching producers, while the producers will implement measures in order to satisfy the user’s needs.

Network Values

Purpose Driven

Our members join together to openly and collectively improve the social, economic and ecosystem targets that strive for wellbeing.

Consumer's Choice

A consumer’s informed choice affects the producers decisions. We all share the responsibility to build the society and ecosystem we want everytime we decide what to buy, and from whom.

Open Data

We commit to share information to allow an open production planning and open optimization of processes: we openly share the sales and production information as required by the consumer


Producers commit to satisfy the consumer needs, while consumers commit to make an informed choice over which produce to acquire.

Distributed Governance

Any producers and consumers can submit proposals for improvement, members can vote with their transactions.


We adopt mechanisms for open and peer-to-peer validation of credibility for all the shared information.